Blake Tutorial Series – Part 3 – Head Modeling…

In part 3 of Blake’s tutorial series I start off by going over some basic modeling tools, then show a time lapse video of modeling the cartoony, low-poly head. Afterwards I show one method to fix a triangle in the mesh.

During the time lapse I talk about some common modeling practices including the differences between edge and box modeling and good edge flow.

Character Creation Tutorial Series Channel

Part 3 is a little bit different than the previous two tutorials in that it isn’t exactly a step by step process, so it’s a little bit more of an intermediate tutorial. Beginners will probably have to pause the video often in order to follow along, but it should be fairly straight forward.

One thing that I mistakenly did not talk about before the time lapse is the “make face” tool, which I use quite a bit during the modeling process. Basically, if you have 2, 3, or 4 vertices selected and you press “f” there will be either a face created, or in the case of just two vertices, an edge created. Sorry that I forgot to mention it in the intro, but I do touch on it afterwards!

There are a lot of tutorials out there for modeling the human head, but some of the best ones are done by Jonathan Williamson over at Blender Cookie. The one that I enjoy the most is the human head topology tutorial, where Jonathan talks about correct topology. I highly recommend it if you want to do a little more research. I certainly don’t go in to a huge amount of detail here, as our model is pretty low-poly, so I encourage you to take a look at some others!

Blender Cookie

Speaking of Blender Cookie, that’s what I’ll highlight this week!  Blender Cookie is a site dedicated to producing video tutorials for Blender.  The two main authors, Jonathan Williamson and David Allen Ward, both do an incredible job of producing top quality tutorials.  They typically release 2-3 tutorials per week and all of them are worth watching.

As always, let me know what you think either here or directly on vimeo!

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